Program Standards
The verification audit process will include confirmation that
the operator meets the following standards:
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Operator uses multi-engine, turbine-powered (turbojet
airplane, turboprop airplane and/or twin-turbine helicopter);
Aircraft are crewed by two pilots;
Emergency equipment is adequate for assigned mission.
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Management staff has relevant qualifications and
Minimum insurance carried of US$50 million combined
coverage for turbojet, $35 million for turboprop, and
$20 million for helicopter;
Duty-time and flight-time controls, where appropriate,
implement recommendations of the FSF Fatigue Countermeasures
Task Force;
No financial or legal problems exist that could
adversely affect safe operations;
Operator's history should show no Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) sanctions or accidents within past
five years, or an explanation of any such occurrences
must be presented;
Flight operations manual that details standard
operating procedures defining stabilized approach, mandatory
go-around policies, pilot in command duties, use of automation,
etc., and includes a revision process; and,
Qualified handling agencies (Universal, Air Routing,
Jeppesen, etc.) support of international operations.
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A proactive, in-house safety program functions
with positive support from senior management;
A safety coordinator is designated;
A process is in place for incident/hazard reporting
and response;
A cabin-emergency-procedures-training program is
in place;
Ground and in-flight security procedures are in
place; and,
Safety initiatives have been implemented to prevent
controlled-flight-into-terrain (CFIT) and approach-and-landing
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Inspection-and-maintenance program is in accordance
with manufacturer recommendations;
Minimum equipment list and deferred maintenance
are monitored and are controlled;
Life-limited and time-controlled components are
monitored and are controlled;
Experience requirements
Manager: three years;
Certificated technicians: three years with aircraft-specific
training by a qualified organization;
Contract-maintenance and vendor-surveillance policies
are in place with operator oversight; and,
Quality control of parts and materials is
maintained, and periodic audits are conducted of parts