The below information is the sole copyright of the Wyvern Consulting Ltd., and the latest updates can be accessed here.

The Wyvern Standard consists of three separate and distinct sets of operating, procedural and qualification standards.

» Operating Standards
During an on site safety audit, charter operators are measured against the Wyvern Operating Standards, an enhanced set of safety measurement criteria. The Wyvern Operating Standards are developed in cooperation with The Wyvern Customer Advisory Board, a panel consisting of representatives from the most sophisticated and demanding corporate flight departments in the world.

Wyvern also sponsors the Wyvern Charter Operator Advisory Council, an interactive forum where representatives of the air charter industry participate with Wyvern in the pursuit of excellence in aviation safety. The contributions of the Operator Advisory Council help us achieve a clearer understanding of the challenges facing the charter industry.

For example, recognition of the absolute necessity for experienced, well trained pilots led to the development of the Wyvern Flight Crew Requirements. The Wyvern Operating Standards represents a robust template of meaningful expectations for safe flight.

» Auditing Standards
The reliability of audit results depends on the application of well-defined, consistent audit process standards. Wyvern's Audit Guide includes carefully prepared checklists and procedures designed to insure thorough examination of every area of operation. The Wyvern safety audit casts a critical eye in all of the following areas:

Management and Administration
• Experience
• Qualifications
• Safety Program
• Insurance
• Drug & Alcohol Program

Flight Operations
Operations History FAA/FSDO Relationship
Operations Specifications Operations Manuals
Crew Training Programs Crew Training Program Manuals
Crew Training Records Crew Training Records Flight Personnel
Crew Resource Management Program First Aid/CPR Training
Flight Personnel Record Keeping Scheduling/Dispatch
Flight Planning/Planning Facilities Duty Logs
Passenger Handling

Osha Requirement Compliance Facilities & Equipment
Maintenance Programs & Procedures Maintenance Manuals/Library
Maintenance Training Manual Maintenance Training Program
Technician Personnel Maintenance Training Records
Technician Duty Limits Technician Personnel Records
Storeroom/Spare Parts Inventory Quality Assurance/Vendor Audit
Tooling/Tool Calibration Program Aircraft Records
Aircraft Security Fueling/Fuel Farm
Aircraft Inspections Maintenance/Flight Ops Coordination

» Auditor Standards
The real strength of Wyvern's safety audit programs lies in the experience, qualifications and training of our audit teams. Wyvern assigns two specialists to every audit, one for operations and one for maintenance. The typical Wyvern operations auditor is an ATP rated pilot, with thousands of hours of relevant flight hours, and experience in both management and quality assurance. For the maintenance side, we select Airframe & Powerplant rated technicians, with Inspection authority, and like their counterparts in operations, most have management experience.

The above information is the sole copyright of the Wyvern Consulting Ltd.,, and the latest updates can be accessed here.
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